Shazam Coloring Pages
Here are free printable Shazam coloring pages for superhero lovers, specifically Shazam.
Captain Marvel, now known as Shazam, is a superhero who fights crime and protects civilians. Captain Marvel/Shazam is the superhero identity of Billy Batson, a boy who, when he chants the spell “SHAZAM!” can transform into an adult dressed as a superhero with powers such as super strength, super speed, the ability to fly, and other abilities. Shazam possesses the power of the six immortals: the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the strength of Atlas, the strength of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury.
On Shazam coloring sheets, the superhero Shazam has lost his striking colors. Shazam needs the help of the little ones right now. Get your Shazam coloring sheets by downloading or printing them; all coloring sheets are free for the little ones.
Help Shazam become as outstanding as the original, or you can help him become more novel, so he fights a series of evil enemies. Black Adam is Shazam’s most potent enemy. You can color Black Adam from our free printable Black Adam coloring pages.
Shazam is the most powerful superhero in the DC Universe. If little ones love this Shazam superhero character, collect our Shazam coloring pages and color now. Have fun and get creative now!