ColoringPagesOnly.Com is owned by a design and creative team to bring spiritual values, knowledge, and fun training activities to everyone. Therefore, all images, content, and products on ColoringPagesOnly.Com are registered under the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) to protect our copyrights.
It’s essential to understand that many coloring pages on ColoringPagesOnly.Com are protected by copyright. This protection serves to preserve the creative work of the author and uphold the rights of users.
All coloring pages in ColoringPagesOnly.Com are free, quality, and printable for kids and adults. We encourage using these coloring pages for personal and organizational activities aimed at fun, education, and training purposes. When using our coloring pages, please review the content related to Purpose, Policies, and Terms Of Use to ensure that you respect the author’s rights and know the responsibilities of users.
You know that Many images and coloring pages on ColoringPagesOnly.Com are subject to copyright protection and Free Licensing:
- We have many images licensed for free by community authors on YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, etc.
- Many images are designed by the Authors of ColoringPagesOnly.Com for non-commercial purposes.
So, Please refrain from engaging in the following activities when using coloring pages and images from ColoringPagesOnly.Com:
- Using coloring pages for personal profit, exchange, or trade for profit is prohibited.
- Commercial use of coloring pages is strictly prohibited.
- Do not use coloring pages to create new personal or project products.
- You cannot license, distribute, or transfer coloring pages to others or any other entity.
- Removing trademarks, logos, or copyright names from ColoringPagesOnly.Com or the author’s images and using them for other purposes is prohibited.
- Do not use these images to recreate trademarks, logos, or brands for other entities.
- Avoid using and editing our images and coloring pages in competition with ColoringPagesOnly.Com.
- Any use of these images for defamatory, fraudulent, or illegal purposes that tarnished the reputation and quality of ColoringPagesOnly.Com is strictly prohibited.
Initially, we have compiled all free products and images licensed for use by community authors without any changes and not for commercial or for-profit purposes. We respect copyright-protected products and images.
We kindly request that you also use our coloring pages for positive, non-profit purposes. If you encounter any instances of organizations or individuals using our copyrighted images or products for malicious purposes violating our guidelines, please don’t hesitate to contact us (Gmail: for specific solutions. Additionally, if you discover any instances of your coloring pages or images being copied or reproduced on our website without permission, please get in touch with us. We will promptly remove such content to protect your copyrights.
* Any copying or usage of this content and images without the copyright owner’s permission constitutes a copyright law violation.