Avatar Coloring Pages
The Avatar Coloring Pages introduces you to a world in which there are four tribes: the Water Tribe, the Earth Tribe, the Fire Nation, and the Air Temple.
Avatar: The Last Airbender is an American animated series divided into three parts by Nickelodeon from February 2005 to July 2008. The film combines the styles of Japanese anime and American cartoons.
The film follows the adventures of twelve-year-old protagonist Aang and his group of friends, who must bring peace and save the world from a war of imperial invasion, dominating the nations of the Fire Nation with three other tribes. The Water Tribe, the Earth Trieu, and the Air Temple. Only Avatar Aang can avert danger and maintain balance and order in the world because he is the master of all four elements.
We synthesize the movie characters at the Avatar coloring page, and you can completely color any character you love. All images designed, compiled, and compiled by us into one collection, which you can easily download or print for free.
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