Giselle Coloring Pages
Collect the best coloring sheets of the optimistic and romantic girl who is also very independent and authentic to her beliefs through the Giselle coloring pages below.
Giselle is the main character in the animated film Enchanted by Walt Disney Pictures. Giselle is shown to be brave and becomes Robert’s protector in the battle against Queen Narissa in her dragon form.
In the fantasy world of Andalasia, Giselle barely felt emotions like frustration and anger. Her experiences on Earth with Robert opened her up to a more complex world she had never experienced in Andalasia and introduced her to emotions such as anger and sadness, despite disappointments. that she inadvertently inflicted on Robert.
Giselle retains her innocent, optimistic, and kind nature; she is as beautiful in personality as she looks. Giselle bears similarities to the Disney Princesses; Giselle is about 80% Snow White, with some traits borrowed from Cinderella and Aurora, although her cold demeanor comes from Ariel.
Collect more of the best images of Disney princesses at our free Disney Princess coloring pages. Play with your favorite crayons right now. Have fun!