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We will guide you to simple color-coloring tips for using colored pencils

You love drawing and coloring, and you want to have beautiful and excellent pictures. Still, you don’t know some skills in choosing coloring pages, using colors, using colored pencils, etc.

Everyone should know coloring tips for using colored pencils to make coloring and painting easier. We have researched and read some knowledge about painting.

We have also compiled and provided some valuable tips for you in the process of using crayons. If you love art, please refer to our knowledge. If you love this article, you can share it with many others.

Introducing coloring tips for using colored pencils:


coloring tips for using colored pencils

The art of Stippling or Pointillism is the basic method of using colored pencils.

Colored black and gray pencils come in different varieties and have large, small, or medium strokes. It would help if you determined which color pencils your painting is suitable for.

When doing Stippling or Pointillism art, keep the pencil tilted to create contact between the strokes and the paper. You can use small dots and then large to create depth and contrast for your painting.

It would help if you chose a gray or black pencil to create contrast. You have to adjust the color’s dark, light, and medium. For dark areas, use bold colors, and for light areas, use light colors. A painting with depth will include different levels of shade.


coloring tips for using colored pencils
coloring tips for using colored pencils

You need to draw short and straight lines for this skill. You need to draw lines fast and parallel to each other. You must pick up your pencil and draw the next line when you have finished drawing a line.

You can adjust the distance between the lines to suit your painting needs and desires. You also need to pay attention to the intensity of the colors.


coloring tips for using colored pencils
coloring tips for using colored pencils

Cross-Hatching is also implemented similarly to Hatching. However, it will include many layers of drawing on top of each other, and you need to change the drawing direction of the layers to create overlapping and overlapping effects.

By using slashes, you can make some exciting textures for your photos.

Back and Forth Strokes:

coloring tips for using colored pencils
coloring tips for using colored pencils

This is the most common shading technique that we often use in painting. We often see this action done a lot in children during the coloring process.

You use the crayons and move them back and forth; you don’t need to lift the pen off the paper. With this method, you will create another color with a different density from the base color.


coloring tips for using colored pencils
coloring tips for using colored pencils

The Scumble method is similar to Back and Forth Strokes, but you have to draw circles instead of lines in this method. You will vex many overlapping circles.

Moving the crayon in a circle, you don’t have to lift it off the paper. This skill will help you create density or gaps in your painting. These are essential tips you can apply to your coloring and painting process. You can also share and teach these methods with your child.


Coloring is a fun and engaging activity for children. It provides imaginative, creative, cognitive, and psychological skills to children.

Children will be happier and healthier with coloring; it also brings a lot of fun to their daily routines. Coloring should be introduced to children as early as possible.

It will develop the skills necessary for their maturation. We offer a wide variety of coloring pages at You and your baby can apply the above methods with our coloring pages!

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