How to print coloring pages

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You can print coloring pages in many ways!
To print coloring pages, you will have many different methods. The most important is depending on the website that you visit.

Some websites about coloring pages use technology like Adobe’s Acrobat or Macromedia’s Flashpaper (.pdf) to scale the image to suit the paper automatically.
Typically many websites use technology to size pictures. Thus, you click on the coloring sheet and print it out. However, many websites store graphic images in a .png, .jpeg, or .gif; they can or cannot automatically print utilizing the whole sheet of paper.
There is no one like lots of white space around the outside edges, or pictures take up only 1/3 of the page when printing. What can you do? How can you print out images that are suitable with sheets of paper?
Here are three options for you.

However, ‘Option 1’ is the best way as it doesn’t need the aid of other programs or tools. You can also choose one of the other two options if ‘Option 1’ does not work.

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– Option 1: Print Preview and Scale

1. Choose ‘File’ and ‘Print Preview’ from the Internet browser toolbar.
2. Choose percent until the image suit the sheet of paper from the ‘Shrink to Fit dropdown. If the picture is too small or large, choose ‘Custom’ and enter many percentages. You are adjusting the rate until you satisfy.
3. Moreover, you have some adjustments such as orientation from ‘Portrait’ to ‘Landscape’ colors from black and white to colored paper size.
4. Click the ‘Print’ button and then ‘Ok.’


– Option 2: Cut and Paste

1. Place the mouse, click the right mouse over the image, and choose ‘Copy Image.
2. Open a new image editing tool.
3. In your tool, ‘Paste’ the picture into the document.
4. Adjust the orientation of the paper (landscape or portrait) and the size of the image.
5. Print the image.


– Option 3: Save Method

1. Click the right mouse and select ‘Save Image As.
2. Save the image to your computer.
3. Open a graphics program and then open the saved image.
4. Print out.

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